Our Vision and Values

Learning together with God’s love



We aspire to be a happy, confident and caring community where children are motivated to flourish and achieve their full potential in a supportive learning environment, underpinned by a strong Christian ethos..



We asked the children to explain our school values in their words:

Perseverance - Determination is important and if something is challenging, we need to try, try and try again. Remember to say to yourself “You can’t do or understand something yet, but just keep going and you will, with God’s help!”

Aspiration – We always reach for the stars and aim for our goals.  We challenge ourselves and always aspire to be the very best we can be. A positive attitude makes good things happen for us.

Respect We treat other people the way we would like to be treated. We respect everyone in our school regardless of who they are and where they have come from. Everyone is included in our school and is an important part of our school.

Teamwork - There’s no “I” in a team! If we work together, we can achieve more and more. When we are a whole school team we are like the glue that sticks us together and that makes us stronger.


1 John 4: 16: 'God is love and those who live in love live in God, and God lives in them'.