Apple and Beech

Welcome to Apple and Beech Class!
Apple Class are taught by Mrs. Dell (Monday to Wednesday morning) and Mrs. Widdows (Wednesday afternoon to Friday).  Beech class are taught by Mrs. Ashini. Apple class are supported by Mrs. Barker (Monday to Thursday).  Beech Class are supported by Ms. Smith (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs. Carnet (Thursday to Friday).  Mrs. James works as a one to one teacher in Apple Class.  All Reception Teachers have their planning and preparation time on Thursday afternoon.  Mrs. Vander will cover Apple Class and Mrs. Scales will cover Beech Class.  
Meet the teachers:
Mrs. Dell loves baking and running.  She is responsible for RE and Early Years in the school.
Mrs. Widdows loves reading, DIY and walking her dog. She is responsible for Geography in the school.
Mrs. Ashini loves dancing and power lifting.  
We have PE on a Wednesday morning but we keep our PE kits at school so you won't need to remember to bring them in every week.  
We have a number of wonderful books which will form the basis of our weekly topic sessions.  You can find the full list of books in our 'Overview of Topics' section.  They are part of our Power of Reading scheme.  Each week the children will take on a number of challenges based on these texts.  
Like the rest of the school, we follow the White Rose scheme.  A more detailed outline of each topic can be found under the 'Coverage of Early Years Learning' section.  We usually start the session by revising learning from the week before.  We then introduce the learning for the day, work on a practical activity as a class then finish the lesson by having a go at the individual/ group challenge.  Challenges are adapted for individual learners and the children begin to develop from concrete to pictorial to abstract ways of working as the year progresses. 
We follow the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme in Reception.  All children are assessed at the beginning of the year and put in to groups that best fits their ability.  Children are introduced to all their single sounds followed by their initial digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and do lots of blending practice.  Once the children are able to blend these sounds they are then introduced to the Ditty Sheets followed by simple story books.  We do, however, encourage all children to share books for enjoyments, both in our reading corner, during story times, and at home.  Children learn to form their letters during phonics times, start by making words using magnetic letters and eventually write words and then simple sentences in their phonics books. 
How can you help your child at home?

Building confidence

•Talk positively with your child about school • •Use praise and encouragement to make them feel good about themselves • •Take time to talk to your child and encourage them to join in conversations, answer their questions • •Read to your child, point out pictures and discuss the story – always seek to make the experience enjoyable. • •Count for fun

Being independent

•Getting dressed/undressed – make it fun! •Personal hygiene: toilet, blowing nose, washing hands. •Viewing themselves as a helper

The following are some ideas to help you prepare your child for school:

« The development and use of communication and language are essential elements in a child’s learning. The more fluency they can achieve in spoken language the more they will understand.  Listening and speaking provide a good foundation for reading.  Please let us know if you have any concerns about your child in this area.

 « Reading to your child, visiting the library, sharing the pictures in a book, talking about the stories, spotting road signs, clapping syllables, listening out for rhyming words and playing matching games, are all important pre-reading skills that will help your child.

 « Play games that involve sharing and turn taking to raise your child’s awareness of the needs and feelings of others.

 « Encourage your child to be as independent as possible i.e. getting dressed especially shoes and socks, as well as doing up buttons.

 « Personal hygiene (talking through how to blow their nose, being toilet trained and able to wipe their bottom etc.)

« Cutting a range of different papers and materials really helps to develop your child's fine motor skills and helps them to understand the importance of scissor safety

 « Jigsaw puzzles are very good for helping children to develop good co-ordination and concentration.

 « If they show an interest, do some writing with your child.  Capital letters should only be used for the first sound in their names.

 « Counting can be done anywhere and everywhere- count stairs, buttons, sweets, foot-steps.  Talk about quantities- more/ less/ same.  Also looking for shapes, counting the number for sides, corners etc.


Explanation of school terms


Reception/Early Years/EYFS - your child’s first year at school

 Early Years Team-staff including teachers and Teaching Assistants working in Early Years

 LSA-Learning Support Assistant who help to support your child at school

 Key Stage 1 (KS1)- children aged between 5 and 7, in Years 1 or 2 at school (Infants)

 Key Stage 2 (KS2)- children aged between 7 and 11, in Years 3,4,5 or 6 at school (Juniors)

 PTA- Parent Teacher Association

 Inclusion Manager/SENDCO- who co-ordinates support for children with Special Educational Needs

 PSED- Personal Social and Emotional Development