What is our RE curriculum?

As a Church of England school, with a strong Christian ethos, RE is a core part of our curriculum and is taught every week.  RE in church schools should enable all children to receive the National Society’s Statement of Entitlement (2016).  This states that RE in Church schools aims for students to:

· Know about and understand Christianity as a diverse global living faith through the exploration of core beliefs using an approach that critically engages with biblical text. 

· Gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews appreciating diversity, continuity and change within the religions and worldviews being studied.

· Engage with challenging questions of meaning and purpose raised by human existence and experience. 

· Recognise the concept of religion and its continuing influence on Britain’s cultural heritage and in the lives of individuals and societies in different times, cultures and places.

· Explore their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways living, believing and thinking.


How do we teach RE?

We use the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus as a guide as well as the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus to provide additional support to aid RE planning and progression. Christianity forms the major theme within our Religious Education lessons, but we also believe it is vital that our children gain an understanding, awareness and appreciation of other world faiths. We encourage all children to develop a deeper understanding and insight into their own beliefs and values.  Further information can be found in our RE policy. 


Withdrawal from RE Lessons

In accordance with current legislation, parents and carers do have the right to ask for their child to be withdrawn from RE lessons. If you wish to withdraw your child from RE lessons, please make an appointment to see the Headteacher in the first instance.