Curriculum News

Holy Trinity School Reading Challenge!

At Holy Trinity School we recognise that reading is fundamental to learning and it can have a major impact on children and their future. The Department for Education has identified several benefits to reading for pleasure including:


          Improved reading attainment and writing ability;

          Improved text comprehension and grammar;

          Wider breadth of vocabulary;

          Positive reading attitudes;

          Greater self-confidence as a reader;

          Pleasure in reading in later life;

          General knowledge;

          A better understanding of other cultures; and

          Community participation.


In order to encourage our pupils to read quality books we are launching our new Reading Challenge!

Below you will find a recommended reading list for your child’s year group. Lists for all the year groups are available for you to access on the school website if your child has already completed the suggested list or they are too challenging currently (see Curriculum News in each year group).  For those children who are still learning to read, it may be more appropriate for you to read the book with/to them. Once your child has read/shared a book on the list please tick and sign your initials next to it. At the end of the year we will collect them back from you and award certificates and prizes for those who have taken on the challenge.  Please return your list to your class teacher.

We are in the process of ensuring all of these books are in our school or class libraries and marked as recommended reads. You will be able to find lots of them in your local library to borrow at no cost. They would also make great gifts or why not swap with a friend when you have finished a book?


Happy reading!