Chestnut Class

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

Our names are Mrs Deacon and Miss Pullen and we both teach in Chestnut Class. Mrs Deacon will be in class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Miss Pullen will be in class on Wednesday afternoons, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Bugden is our Learning Support Assistant who works in our class every morning.



Our topics for the Autumn term involve focusing on the following Power of Reading books - 'The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis and ‘Traction Man is Here’ by Mini Grey and various versions of the fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood.' We are very excited about our topics and plan to spend lots of time in the grounds, exploring the pond and woodland areas and linking these to our stories. During the term we will be enjoying reading and writing stories and information texts.

In Science we will be learning about Animals including Humans and also how the weather changes with the seasons.

In Maths we will start with place value and ordering and sequencing numbers, then move on to addition, subtraction and 2D shape.



Our topics for the Spring term involve focusing on the following Power of Reading books - 'The Robot and the Bluebird' by David Lucas; ‘The Puffin Book of Fantastic First Poems’ edited by June Crebbin and various versions of the fairy tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We are very excited about our topics and plan to spend lots of time in the grounds exploring the woodland areas and linking this to our story and poems. During the term we will be enjoying reading and writing stories and information texts and listening to poetry.

In Science we will be learning about materials. We will also continue to observe and record how the weather changes with the seasons.

In Maths we will start with ordering and sequencing numbers, then move on to measurement, addition, subtraction and place value.



Our topics for the Summer Term involve focusing on these Power of Reading books - 'The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris,  ‘Look Up’, by Nathan Bryon and '10 Things I Can Do To Help My World’ by Melanie Walsh. These books have a Geography/PSHE focus - what we can do to improve our environment and map work. As always, we are very excited about our books and we plan to spend lots of time in the grounds, exploring the pond and woodland areas and linking these to our texts. During the term we will be enjoying reading and writing stories and information texts.

In Science we will be learning about plants and trees, including learning the names of common plants and trees in our area. We will also continue to observe and record how the weather changes with the seasons.

In Maths we will continue with place value and ordering and sequencing numbers, learning to count confidently in twos, fives and tens, multiplication and division, fractions, shape, money and telling the time.



Learning will take place outside as often as possible and children need to be dressed for the weather – warm, waterproof coats for the cold and hats for sunny days please.

Throughout the year, the children will have regular phonics sessions where they will practise recognising sounds and applying their phonic knowledge to reading and writing.

It is important for children to read and talk about books every day. As they become more confident at decoding words, please encourage them to look out for punctuation and begin to read with expression.

We have provided some links below that will help to support your child's learning at home.